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tv   [untitled]    November 20, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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at midnight moscow time the palestinian death toll mounts after a week of shelling with more casualties fear this israeli fighter jets now dropped leaflets warning garza's to evacuate in the face of an imminent invasion. that conflicting reports tonight to truce with hamas claiming that a cease fire agreements all but been reached while israel maintains it first needs to show good faith from gaza. also reporting tonight the u.k. recognizing the new syrian rebel bloc as the voice of the people pledging support for the coalition despite a dangerous division in its ranks. and afghanistan's president calls the
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u.s. to account ordering officials to take over the american run prison and by ground two months to control the facility was june passed into afghan hands. good morning and welcome this is our team and it's good to have you company first the number of palestinians killed in israel's offensive in gaza has risen sharply it now stands at around one hundred thirty half of the dead are civilians with local doctors saying the number of children among the casualties is alarming i spoke to journalist harry theories in gaza who told me more about what he's seen and heard today. two reporters two media workers that actually usually cameraman working as a cameraman here for the television talent channel will also targeted tonight as they were in a civilian taxi a taxi it clearly labelled with press the same sort of taxi that i travelled around
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the gaza strip and they were also killed here tonight and also a very high number of children entering the mall in the last few hours so we've spoken today with a volunteer doctor who's come from europe who's got a lot of reputation respect here in gaza as an emergency and he's come in the last couple of days to try and lend his hand in helping with all of these dead children coming into the mills will speak to him very disturbing number of children in the i.c.u. knowledge there are one through three four four or five minors on the respirator with severe head injuries. you know they are civilians they should have been protected the international community should have protected them there are no shelters in gaza because the palestinians are not allowed to dig there are no desire eans early warning system so that they know when the incoming bombs are coming so this is one point seven million people who are absolutely naked as they
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are being confronted with the world's fourth strongest army a friend of mine was killed as he attempted to go to rescue some injured today he has a civilian forty two year old from the gadhafi family he has seven children full girls three boys and he was killed earlier today i just attended his funeral now he is a civilian in the strongest sense of the word there's been leaflets saying near the border with israel saying evacuate go to gaza city via these routes stay in these areas of gaza city but then there's been signals from the interior ministry of hamas here in gaza saying don't listen to these messages that merely psychological wolf from is. designed to further terrorize the population to give in with more compromises when a ceasefire comes so also was confirmed by a news agency today here in gaza that there were messages from israel to the gazan population saying that after nine pm local time anyone of any nature civilian or
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otherwise will become a target for the israeli military if they do not stay home a clear signal that the palestinians don't expect anything good to happen the palestinians are buckling down tonight not expecting any cease fire to be realized . harry fear the journalist documentary filmmaker following all the developments in gaza for us. now israel's attack on gaza response to what it says is ongoing hostile action in seeing dozens of a groups warn of an impending humanitarian crisis british human rights activist eighty moment who's in gaza says the situation is desperate. everyone is a target now we've had. over thirty children have been killed now and frankly just days like. this really feels like we're another man's land it just feels like. there's not many homes being targeted now so many civilians have been killed and now we call and even go in the streets and the n.g.o.s are being told to stay in as
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well it just feels like we're sitting ducks every explosion that happens it's like a countdown you don't know exactly where it's going to land we've just been given a warning actually that israel is going to accelerate its assault on gaza and this is this is obviously you know hugely catastrophic for so many of the people here this is what happened in the gaza attacks last time people were going for days without without without serious personal food and and of course this is this is a potential disaster the collective punishment of the siege we're hearing that only the biggest humanitarian crisis is in the hospitals whereby they're short of so many things like them used in one week the amount of funding g.'s and searches and and some basic medical supplies in three months obviously they're really strapped to the ambulance she's in the medical agencies because so many cases are coming in and we had yesterday the biggest the largest death toll in one day which was our
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best thirty people killed. were the status of a potential cease fire between the two warring neighbors is still uncertain from us claim an agreement was reached but israel sent in the go see ations is still taking place there school than live to a correspondent policy to try to find out where this cease fire stands now at just after midnight moscow time hi there paula we would to believe it one point that something would have been announced an hour ago what does it stand right now. well as you say the deadline for the announcement of a ceasefire between israel and hamas has come and gone and has been no announcement in fact what we've witnessed is an intensification of violence on the ground there . in silence sounding in the south of israel where people are in panic the death toll on the israeli side stands at full of civilians who have been killed and one israeli soldier and as for gaza the israeli air force planes have not left the skies there we're looking at a death toll of more than one hundred and twenty six people not only are we were hearing from
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a key hamas spokesperson who did say that they would be the announcement of a cease fire on tuesday night and that by midnight local time that cease fire would come into effect the israelis for their side denied this they did not deny the fact that a truce was possible and imminent but they also say that they want to see perhaps a twenty four hour grace period by which they can assess the situation make sure it's calm and read into it what in fact hamas is ultimate intentions off the egyptian president morsi who has been mediating between the two sides has also indicated that a ceasefire is imminent but they still left hanging as to when exactly this cease fire is in fact going to take place in the confusion of the cease fire question is also confusion inside gaza in terms of what people are meant to do there are leaflets that have been distributed by the israeli army urging people to leave their homes and go to the city center at the same time there have been messages both cross to radio and people have also been receiving various text messages
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telling them to stay at home so there's confusion too as to what the situation is at the moment and in that confusion we find the media war as is always the tsunami in these kind of situations the united nations relief and works agency for palestinian refugees has come up quite strongly against the israeli army which has posted a video on both its new tree page as well as a link to it from its twitter feed and in this video you see quite clearly that the israeli army is accusing the u.n. of actually providing assistance to militants in gaza in the sense that it says that they are using the courtyard of schools where the u.n. is involved that it's in. now in these militants to fire rockets from these courtyards now the un has said that this is simply not true in another indication of just how intensive this media war is i took to the streets of israel and put together this package. while israeli politicians weigh up whether or not to send
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their army into gaza they've had no hesitation in molding up their p.r. machines into the social media battlefield. one israeli was killed yesterday in the attack from. my house took a direct hit israeli citizens experience indescribable suffering this video offers a sophisticated alternative to the deadly reality on the ground a growing civilian death toll in gaza at the hands of the i.d.f. today a very is a battle a campaign online offline in the electronic media for the hearts and minds of public opinion it's very very important when the israelis killed her must lead a homage to bari last week they didn't just kill him they instantly posted this video on you tube and then tweeted a warning to all his comrades that they could be next the ability of the poor longer active duty is also based on how it is being perceived internationally interesting enough this war provides less pictures than for example in the two
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thousand and eight million war which was taking place in gaza padlocks equally it is cynical and it sounds like one of the reasons that there are less specific casualties is because israel would like to see this would have less pictures of the war israel explained its operation and rocket attacks in this way producing the deaths of more than one hundred civilians to a simplistic and slightly idiotic p.r. message israeli citizens are reporting rocket alerts on facebook and twitter long before the media and answers them it seems the more p.r. you put into promoting war the more justified it looks. the eyes of ordinary people the al qassam brigades militant group in gaza is happy to fight fire with fire posting videos like this one on you tube warning israelis there wherever they are they will be hunted down and killed. this group of arab students from tel aviv university are taking a break from the political science studies to discuss the politics of the media war
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israel is lying to its people it is really reporters are inflaming the situation there is a huge incitement from army analysts to see israel must demolish gallons or even of a rocket hits the target they don't see that. these really need is very rude they said that ten people from the same family died but they see that it is legal because they will be hamas members in the future where because there are rockets under the house the battle in cyberspace is well under way with the twenty four seven back and forth exchange on the likes of twitter between hamas and the israeli defense forces it seems the two sides who haven't yet met face to face on the ground have wasted no time confronting each other online policy r.t. television. just last hour spoke to josh and he's a spokeswoman for the israeli ministry of defense of told me that how must bears the responsibility for the deaths of palestinian women and children in gaza the
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israeli defense ministry who i represent and indeed the israeli public are mourning civilian deaths on both sides i've seen it i've been running around the south from bomb shelter to bomb shelter dodging rockets hearing the cries of israeli civilians and the cries in the wells of the air raid sirens when we see the graphic footage in gaza of dead children being pulled out and dug out of collapsed buildings to maintain that their deaths. of israel and israeli air strikes are the fault of the mass. so i can tell you they genuinely cheney breaks my heart you think that we want to see dead children on any side as i said we mourn every loss of life hamas on the other had a celebrating and they're putting their own civilians in danger i cannot tell you how much we desire quiet how much we desire true peace and calm in this region when we facing an enemy that is guilty of this double war crime whereby they hardly own civilians or shooting at our civilians for every decade now we are in this
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predicament that however with the most strategically surgical precision pinpoint strikes when they're hiding beneath their civilian population there will be collateral damage. let's get some more thoughts now an opinion on the social impact this conflict is having someone born and raised in israel joining me for that comment is political activist you're authorities actually a lot from cultures to you kate and you're a hi there i know you've been listening in the last couple of minutes. clearly israel of course has a duty to protect public support from. military actions extremely high do you support the operation in gaza though absolutely nuts why not. because what we're seeing in gaza. is really israeli aggression and you know i have to admit that i haven't been following the r t. coverage really i've been following some of the other coverage by bracy and in the b.b.c.
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and in some of the other networks. you know i can't say that i'm disappointed because i'm used to this kind of coverage. is. portrayed as quote unquote really. what is really israel and the israeli military has been doing is sort of defense or order or defending the israeli people. that what we're really seeing is a continuation. gratian that is not just the aggression is not just aggression that has started in the last few days or weeks and not just the last few years but this you know we have to conjecture a lie is what israel is doing in the gaza strip and also in the west bank within the context of the occupation and the occupation started in one thousand nine hundred seventy and some made see even even earlier than that in the people in the gaza strip and the palestinian people in general are
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people who live with. i wouldn't really be live without human rights and everybody has human rights but these people are not afforded the rights to which the are intitled more. times type i'm afraid that's not anything but a couple of minutes for a whole charm afraid to talk about this all night of course the basic question this is why israel saying have mass brought this particular instance going on now on itself what other israeli reaction could there have been to rocket attacks coming into its territory. rocket attacks. we can we can debate what started this particular. this last round of back and forth in even this is debatable whether whether in particular rocket it knew that it was launched from gaza into israel started. back and forth or
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a particular air raid from israel into a football field where palestinian children were playing start of the you know this particular. duel if you may but this but this this is a petty discussion the discussion is not started this little fight the question the question is who started the war which is the larger picture and the larger picture like i said did not start yesterday or last week it's started several decades ago but there is but there is strong rhetoric try to just keep it up to date only because we're out of time strong rhetoric from seeing it israeli figures even now calling for the ethnic cleansing of gaza it's most worrying times like this that the public i guess is most vulnerable to such ideas now it's a big danger. absolutely i mean we've seen we've seen. a good show on the son of
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the son of former prime minister ariel sharon in an opinion article in the jerusalem post calling for genocide i mean i you know i think it's a reach it's not just that he he wrote this article but you know that the editor is not of of a distinguished newspaper and it's really albeit a you know i know right wing use paper but still and use the. newspaper that is part of the mainstream allowed here to to to air such opinions which which you know if they were you know people in rwanda people in the former yugoslavia were were. or sent it to the hague you know after having every written words it's sharp and blunt as so sharp and blunt our end point. as cruel and inhumane as as as the ones that mr sharon has has written and and you know it it's only her and i
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you know and i have to say it's not it's that individual politician here in there said i'm and i am very sad i'm ashamed to say that recent opinion polls were published in the israeli newspapers i believe it now it's recently have shown that nearly ninety percent of the populace. in the country of which i'm a citizen and as you said i grew up in. support this operation is in support. you know what is considered by many to be collateral damage. of the killings of children and women and the elderly. and you know what what what what what what what we recently heard just a few minutes ago by one of the one of the spokespeople of the government of israel were hearing terribly sorry we are going to have to cut it there i know this is a story it's very close to your ear you feel passionately about it we do appreciate
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that on the program i'll survive to watch our coverage as well it's not like c.n.n. it's not b.b.c. we work hard to tell the other side of the story we know you can watch us over in future activists here horace thank you very much for being on the line from culture . well it's not to hold. the dead log to enough for a short break reporting some of the why the resolution condemning the bloody standoff failed at the un security council. the sun rises over what seems like and last forest but here in new directions quite hundred kilometers north of light of all stock as in much of the world it's disappearing at a catastrophic rate. bloggers both illegal and those finding ways to outsmart the system for filing down the forests of the region for them
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profit goes well beyond the future of our planet and the result could be an ecological crisis we are on the hunt for illegal loggers and it's not going to be easy the forest is enormous and our chances are slim now for now we can stay in our dreams but as soon as we find solid tracks we'll have to drop our wheels and get out silently in order not to scare the loggers off alexander some million call has been a ranger for over twenty five years he can spend weeks at a time tracking a single group of loggers easier to work when snow falls in autumn it's impossible to find human tracks and even transport tracks are hard to see after hours of driving we get sent in the right direction by word of mouth you can see that the ground is soft here which means that twelve tractor trails are very fresh which in fact means that we need to be quiet in order to not scare them off as we get closer . this team says they're legal but have no documents now
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xander can now call the police to take over his work here is done he is overwhelmingly outnumbered there are too few rangers working in the region and the w w f a says the government isn't doing enough to stop it. yes there's no one tries to stop them in just five years the force will be gone what will the people who live after us do it's a question more and more people are aware of today climate change in the safety of our environment as a whole are being discussed around the world and perhaps it's those small steps that might be a start to people living in harmony with nature. cultures
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that so much different a huge music as they are trying to market the carnage continues in gaza israel claims its own barmen of the gazans using self-defense at the same time denying the palestinians. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. hello again but what top story the conflict in gaza the u.s. has blocked the u.n. security council statement condemning the violence in the strip saying it's biased
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against israel it's got spiegel new york ati's miniport neiers there. a marina bring us up to speed what is the latest. well the leader says that the u.s. mission to the united nations said that the draft press statement on the israeli gaza conflict was unacceptable therefore the u.s. could not support it and the u.s. says this is because the statement failed to address the root cause of the current escalation which washington says is the barrage of rocket attacks from gaza into israel now the moroccan draft press statement called for an immediate end to violence and underscored the security council support for egypt and efforts by others to work towards a negotiated cease fire the statement also called for the un impeded provision and distribution throughout gaza of humanitarian assistance food and medical treatment additionally the draft deplored the loss of civilian lives resulting from the escalation in violence now security council press statements require unanimous
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approval in order to be adopted in this case the us did not show its of its support and the security council could not speak with one voice on this issue now on monday russian ambassador to the un vitaly churkin accuse the us of filibustering the council now for its part moscow has drafted a resolution on the israeli gaza conflict calling for a ceasefire it also expresses support for international and regional mediation efforts and it also urges the palestinians and the israelis to resume overall mideast peace talks but if the russian draft doesn't specifically fault the hamas rocket attacks leading up to the israeli air strikes last week then the u.s. has said it will not support that measure that the security council is currently holding consultations behind closed doors possibly discussing russia's draft resolution a once more information becomes available kevin we will of course update our
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viewers. in new york keeping tabs of the. wealth of the spoke to professor of politics from new york university patricia de janeiro she told me she believes so must never wanted the standoff to. israel's making history teach a miscalculation at this point they have now the obama administration and for more terms which they're ample to be able to all more aggressive on a peace treaty and in addition to that i you'll find within the context of the neighborhood that people you know they really they really want to see a solution to that it's had this issue this arab israeli conflict our palestinian conflict they're seeing that israel is becoming more aggressive in the occupied territory and specifically in the west bank i don't think the mosque wants to be more aggressive i think they wired there are you know they were just legitimate i'm not saying they won't be aggressive western i certainly will because they still feel that they're under our occupation but you know it's important to note here
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that they have been trying to govern this area and they still have competition within the area from you know some of the other movements so it's very hard for them to govern if we don't give them support and i think this is why it's extremely extremely important for the arab league and the egyptians to to step up and speak to in order to help them give them some legitimacy. we're following developments in the middle east conflict for you on air and online we go to in fact online a dedicated section for live updates and comment that i want to go. to the u.k. has become the latest to unite to recognize the recently formed coalition of syrian opposition forces as the sole legitimate representative of the people it follows official recognition by france and italy in a joint statement to support by you foreign ministers what is the wrist myths in
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london with the latest. they've called the formation of the coalition a major breakthrough that's what william hague said in his statement earlier and he's now recognizing the coalition as the sole legitimate representative of the syrian people now that alone brings with it major political clout that along with it he's also introduced what he calls a significant increase in practical support they're going to invite a political representative to come to the u.k. so that's assessed essentially establishing a diplomatic front inviting an ambassador from the this coalition to come to london but also and this is a thing that's going to give people most pause for thought he's going to commit another one million pounds in what he calls communications support he mentioned a couple of things internet hubs satellite phones to enable the opposition to communicate where and when they're in the field but of course when we say the field what we really mean is the battlefield so people are will be worried about what
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those communications equipment to going to be used for and basically they'll be saying that the how you use communications in the field is essentially to more effectively target bombs and other ammunition the problem with the syrian opposition for western countries has always been a lack of unity western countries have always said you know get yourselves together and then we'll talk about supporting you more closely and it's true that this coalition does represent a coming together of those various factions and forces that have been very old with each other in the past and they've pledged also to let more factions joy if they so choose but importantly there are fourteen all groups in the city of aleppo where there's been a loss of fighting who rejects the coalition wholeheartedly they say that it's a conspiratorial project and their reaction to it seems to be that they've upped their desire to set up an islam this state in syria so that will worry western
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countries should give them pause for thought because of course it will increase fears that any arms that are eventually possibly sent to aid the opposition could end up in the wrong hands so one can only hope that that will give western countries just a little bit of pause for thought. of course one of the risks of london let's get more now on the u.k. recognizing the syrian rebel coalition and talk to peace activists jim brown jim good evening. right the basic question can a rebel bloc fuld outside the country realistically play a role of a voice of all syrians as they're being branded as the u.k. foreign secretary indeed suggesting. well i think that you have to look at the entire body of international law. until very recent times because the issue of one state. interfering in another state of affairs in this way is a very central question and.


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